Gue sekarang lagi di Jogja. Masih di Jogja. Everyone else is already on their holiday, since last month I guess, yet gue masih disini. Kuliah belom kelar man :--0. My examination on first year medical competences will be held next tuesday, which is five days from now, YES I'LL BE HOME SOON.
Hehehehe biasanya pagi-pagi gini gue masih ngebo, but since I slept out early last night, I can't get my ass back to bed right now. Si ghina lagi di kosan gue, ngebo. She's going back home this afternoon :''
Huaaah i've got some papers to study on, lots of them, actually. Tapi, mager :--) susah ye jadi anak kedokteran yang mager wkwk gue ngerasa gue adalah orang paling pemalas di fakultas gue, atau mungkin teman-teman seperjuangan gue yang memang terlalu rajin? Atau mungkin, simply both. Tapi asalkan kemalasan gue ini do no harm, its fine with me kok, asalkan nilai masih membuat orangtua bahagia :p
Nah, jadi, I found out that a couple of my friends is on this 30 days blog challenge that i find quite interesting, so so so here I am also trying out the challenge me he he :3
the next 30 days I'm in my holiday, yes I think its going to be great with this challenge going on, yayness!
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